Plain Text.

Some words by some guy with no style.

Pretty. Odd.


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

It's oddly freeing just writing this in a text editor. I lose the convenience of Wordpress's WYSIWYG editor, but I gain freedom. I can do whatever I want here. Like joining the Indieweb. Happy with myself for that one. It's actually pretty easy, at least the first couple steps. I'm assuming once I try dealing with pingbacks then it'll all fall apart. It's nice writing code, but I only know so much.

Mobile users? What mobile users?


So I've been experimenting with Neocities a bit here. I have discovered that I can, in no uncertain terms, NEVER write mobile facing code. I mean, responsive mobile interfaces? Not happening. If, for some godforsaken reason, a mobile user actually reads the shit I put up here? That's the day I write up an RSS feed and publish that shit instead.

Hello, world.


It's strange coming back to HTML after a while with Wordpress. I mean, I'm still going to be using Wordpress for my main blog, but sometimes you just wanna go back to basics, y'know? I'm also actually using capital letters over here. Holy shit, right? I guess this is a short first post, but sometimes short is best.

I guess I should get some socials in here, huh? Don't have too many to my name. Well then.